Reasons Why You Should Adopt a Desi Dog

Desi log, desi dogthat is what keeps us going. If you are looking to make an addition to your family and have been looking for dogs for adoption, the next few scrolls are surely going to help. Here is why adopting a desi dog is the best idea ever. Thank us later!

  1. True love that is unmatched: No matter how far apart you both are, the love of a desi dog never dies. I would give a simple example from my daily life. Every evening when I get back from work (or whenever I get out of the washroom during the day), I am greeted with so many licks and wags that it just melts my heart. I can’t help but pause everything for a while and spend the next 10 minutes caressing my desi darling and clicking a zillion pictures with him. 


  2. Loyalty comes first: Well, unlike a couple of relationships you would have been part of, and I don’t just mean romantic. My experience? Here you go. I walk down to the grocery store at times to get ice creams, chocolate biscuits and other such simple pleasures of life. Clearly nothing that my little one can feast on. But he follows me to the store every single time, patiently takes the ‘Down’ position outside the store, spends time people watching while I’m haggling inside and is up and about as soon as I step out. He then escorts me home, and rewards me with some wags for being a good human being and helping mother with groceries. 


  3. The best things in life are free: I know people who have spent over a lac on getting home a puppy. You guessed it right, they probably got one of those exotic breeds home. However, did you know that you can get just the same amount of love, wags and cuddles free of cost? Enter our most favourite desi dogs! And if you have money to spare, here’s an idea to put it to good use. You can use that amount to feed hundreds of shelter dogs for months and earn their love, which is priceless! 


  4. Cleaner houses, as they don’t shed much: Yes, it is true. With no undercoat and a short fur coat, Indian mongrels do not shed much. So you don’t have to stress about eating and breathing dog hair! 


  5. Being street-smart is the need of the hour: You can take it literally if you like. Born on the streets, and with such genes, these dogs are the smartest and know certain tricks that even years of training cannot teach. They are confident, are able to sense danger from a distance and know how to cross busy roads and save themselves from rash drivers. They are also quick learners so once you adopt a dog, be prepared to be awed by your baby’s intelligence levels!


  6. Being strong is important too: Their genes make them strong, very strong to deal with various kinds of illnesses. They are low maintenance dogs and regular vet visits will give them the best of health. Their ancestors and in some cases, even the pups you get home, have spent a lot of time on the streets and that makes them immune to many health problems. I was once taking care of a senior desi dog who was down with Arthritis, had heart problems, and was hard of hearing too. Every time she got an attack and would stop walking, just a couple of days of treatment would get her back on her feet. I have never seen this with young breeds too, even though I really wish they had such good immunity levels and would respond to medicines in the same way. 


  7. Being independent is the key to success: While the Indian Pariah dogs are very loving, they are equally capable of being independent. They are mentally strong enough to be able to survive on their own and do perfectly well with little to no supervision. 


  8. Being fun and playful: The Indian Pariah dogs, like any other breed, loves play-time and cuddles. Whether it being the most energetic dog in the park or provide you with cuddles while reading a book, they can do it all!


Want to adopt a dog already? We think it is a great idea! Tell us your most favourite reason to get home a desi dog! 

And how about passing on this encouragement to friends? Till then, lots of woofs and wags to you!

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