Winter Care Tips For Pets

Author: Mitali Sobti

Winters are not easy for anyone, be it humans or our four legged friends, so it’s important for us, pet parents, to take care of our fur babies when the temperature drops and the cold comes biting.
winter care pets


Here are some tips for caring for your pet this winter.

Nourishment tips for pets: 

 A few additions to your pet’s diet and body care will make their winter healthy and enjoyable. 

1. Adding superfoods to their diet - Adding superfoods such as honey and turmeric to your pet’s diet will make their gut healthy and will strengthen their overall immunity.  


winter care pet dog food


2. Inclusion of fish- Fish proves to be a great source of protein to your dog’s diet and are also great for the overall health of  their coat and skin. Chicken broth is another great addition to their diet to keep them healthy. 

3. Hydration - Serve lukewarm water to your fur babies at least twice a day. Also make sure to change the water in their water bowls every 2-3 hours to prevent it from turning ice cold.

winter care pets water bowl


4. Paw care - The paws of your pets usually become all dry and scratchy during  winters due to which they might bleed, to prevent this from happening dab some paw butter on their paws to keep them safe and add it on their snouts as well to keep them glowing. 

5. Fur and Coat care - Regular coconut massages will keep the coat of your dog lustrous and soft and will prevent their skin from getting dry. Use  a hydrating dog-safe shampoo and conditioner for them. 

6. Grooming - Don’t go for haircuts or trims regularly as their fur is a natural warmer. Try and give your dogs a warm bath at home every fortnight. 

How to keep your pets warm in the cold weather:

Keeping your buds warm in this weather can be task! However, follow these tips to make sure your pet is warm and comfy during winters. 

1. Keep your pets indoors - If it’s too cold for you, it is too cold for your pets too! So it’s advisable to keep them indoors as much as possible. Don’t let your pets wander outside for a long period of time or else they’ll catch cold. 

2. Keep their woolens ready - Our pet’s might have fur but it doesn’t protect them from the excruciating cold weather so offer your pet’s sweaters and blankets as per their needs. 

winter care pets dog sweaters


3. Give them a cozy bed - Pet’s love sleeping on the floor despite the many beds that they have, but that’s not the case in winters! so prepare a cozy corner for your pet in a place familiar to them so that they can be warm at night and have a goodnight’s sleep.


winter care pets dog bed


 How to keep your pets active during winter

With winter comes laziness and lethargy, so to keep your baby active and moving make sure to follow the tips mentioned below

1. Walk when it’s warm - Some pets can’t resist the great outdoors, so take them for walks when the temperature is a little warmer than usual or while the sun’s still out. 

winter care pets dog walking


2. Surround them with toys - Some pets just can’t seem to move out in the dreadful cold, so surround such fluff balls with interactive toys to keep them agile and moving inside the house. 

3. Reflective collars for foggy weather - Foggy nights and mornings are a common sight during winters so it’s advisable for pet parents to keep their babies on reflective collar/ leashes when they’re venturing out in the foggy weather. 

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